sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013

Democracy - Thoughts of a monarchist.

Democracy, the word of the new world, everyone today, or most of the people, supports or lives under a democracy, lives with votes, choosing representatives, electing presidents, mayors, governors, and so, most of the people cannot seen it´s life without this system, but, is it really good for us? is it really good for the world? what of good the democracy have introduced in our western society? so let´s talk a little about it.
At first, i am talking not about the old greek democracy or some forms of medieval democracy, i am talking about the modern liberal universal sufragge democracy.
This democracy have a principles problem, as a Catholic and a Monarchist, i can't abide a system that it based upon the concept of the "power comes from the people" because the Church and the old "Divine right" doctrine defends that the power comes from God, so the idea of a goverment formed by the powers of the people is a senseless nonsense, because no power come from the people.
Then we take the idea of voting, everyone casting it´s votes in a ballot, choosing each or another politician to be it´s leader, okay, it is a legimate form of choosing, but, in the liberal mindset, it is in this way because, as the power comes from the people, the people must choose it´s governors, and so, all must vote, in Brazil, where i live and been born, the vote is even mandatory, making it clear that 'all must vote' doctrine of the liberalism.

And another problem of this all must vote doctrine, how, the people, all the people, since the ignorant peasant, mason or blue collar to the college teacher, industrial and intelectual must vote, and all the votes have the same value in an election, so how this people can, or with what merit they can be trusted to choose one really good representant, governor? we see that in most countries the Left-wing are being elected to offices, and persecuting the church, making pro-gay laws, abortions laws, undermining the moral and so, so we think "how it is oriented to the good of the souls and for the kingdom of the Lord?" in no ways! they have choosen and enemy of the Church and so, of God, making the power corrupt and against the main objectives of the secular power, supporting the Church in seeking the salvation of souls and keeping the internal order.
So it comes, the democracy is a good catholic thing? no, as it is now, it is a fruit of the laicist masonic French revolution, who destroyed the catholic France and put a laicist mongrel in it´s place, starting the fall of the catholics empires and monarchies all over europe, and the rampant advance of revolution in all the places.
Democracy is a weapon of the revolution, the weapon of the freemasonry to destroy the catholic culture and soul of the society, to destroy the order, to implement the new world order in the world, so, as St Thomas said, we must follow the best form of goverment, the monarchy! not those liberal european monarchy where the kings are nothing more than beautiful representants with no powers, but real monarchy, autocracy with powers in the king or emperor, with someone who is anointed king by the Church, who follows the Church morals and laws and point the kingdom to the salvation, only it will save the society, and we must fight the liberal democracy who ravages our western society and destroyed our culture.

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